
Confused: “The combination of those elements allow for the effective and efficient protection of the wall.” I thought the wall was protecting us, not the other way around!

It’s not that easy. It can be dangerous for them to lose weight too quickly. I had to ask my vet how many calories I should be feeding and what proportions of fat/protein/carbohydrates. She went into the back room and printed out a list of wet foods and highlighted one with good proportions for us to use as a

The Iron Giant

And don’t forget that PREGNANCY AND LABOR ALONE ARE DANGEROUS and can cause significant medical problems in their own right, as well as being expensive. You get pregnant and have to spend the last three months  on bed rest and pay for pre-natal treatment and labor and delivery costs, and then get the chance of

You do know that pregnancy alone is debilitating and dangerous and has lifetime medical consequences, sometimes including death amd often including depression requiring medical treatment, right?

Except that CBS is network TV, not cable - long ago they got dibs on the airwaves and in return they provided programs to viewers. It might not be that much of a difference today, but you can still theoretically pick up a CBS signal with a homemade antenna ( They cut a deal with the

example of going way way too far along the “take all the time you want” intro, i give you my least favorite ... sens8. it was over a minute of footage with long gaps between each actor’s name. the show was good once you got into it, but the title sequence was abysmal.

Because they didn’t just solicit a bunch of ideas for a show sold as ‘The Next MacGyver’ featuring a female engineer, on a project that’s supposed to run on CBS?