
Do you do physically-based rendering on individual workstations at your studio? I'm just wondering what sort of GPU rig is required. I've got a little R&D time here at work and wanna give it a go (on their dime, not mine).

I'm pasting a reply from below: It's not one single machine with 12,500 cores. It's an entire server farm rendering hundreds of frames at once. A single server stack would house many CPUs with 8 or 16 cores, and that CPU would be the one taking 11.5 hours.

I absolutely love the idea - I actually plan on testing GPU rendering with Octane in the coming weeks at home.. but, as for my studio? Well, if you've been in the industry long enough you'll know how hard it is to convince the old boys to change a pipeline. I can see this becoming huge in the video game industry - and

You would be correct. The Technical Directors would be sending a scene to the farm in queue. The servers are most likely split into a bank of nodes 8 or 16 core CPU's, each single node rendering a single frame at a time.

It's not one single machine with 12,500 cores. It's an entire server farm rendering hundreds of frames at once. A single node on one of the CPUs may house 8 cores, and that would be the one taking 11.5 hours.

If you take the above image for example, what could have been broken down into many layers, was rendered in a single frame. If you think of a frame of animation like Photoshop, you can separate the different layers that make the frame, or flatten it. However, flattening the complex sequence of layers into a single

That's about right. Didn't Transformers take 45 hours a frame?

1:1 - In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Yes, yes dah the suit! FLY LIKE THE WIND!

One company, with one store, and one line of devices, streaming one load of bullshit into your ears, from 4 of the largest, soul sucking record labels, from one data center, tightly controlled, and no doubt patrolled to make sure you stay happy and faithful. As opposed to a multitude of companies, streamed from

And like it's previous owner, roll right off a cliff.

Recording Audio and Act as Account Authenticator had me the most troubled. Why would this need to record audio?

I don't have Facebook.

I thought, hey this would be neat to just look around, see what I've been up to on my phone.. then I looked at what the app requires access to operate.

Uploader has not made this video available in your country? The uploader is a dickhead.

Oh hey, look at that pretty pattern on that shopping cart!

8 Wing CFB Trenton, Ontario is censored as well. No green bars, but the quality is so low res, there's no way you could see anything.

It's a recruiting article sent from the 51st simulation. They also mentioned the cake is a lie.

I want it as a summer getaway cottage.. except I'd be building a very large deck off the front of it.

Because IKEA is too mainstream for hipsters :)