
What's a.. CD?

If they can manage to get this work in humans without basically flicking on the cancer switch, I think the only thing we're going to end up with is a bunch of restored horny 85 year olds.

I'd never heard of deep frying turkey until this year (I'm nearly 25). My Mother and Grandmother have always baked them in the oven.. Deep frying it must be an American thing.

Give me 4 laps on your finest track, in one of your finest cars, and a plate of sausage, and sauerkraut, and your finest stein of beer, and a cigar, and a hot shower, and tune my watch, and shine my shoes, and give me a woman, and clothes for the week. How much does that cost?

@franco1975 [Troll ]: Dude, the article wasn't even that long. You didn't even read it.

I always wondered how these boxes handles drainage from snow and ice.. then I realized they're built in happy-go-sunny California.

@Neener: As I did't have a picture of it handily ready, it took me a while to find the actual car. This is it.. though it had web-spoke rims, not 5 spoke. Still, 4 eyed and red, she was.

I'm forever grateful for the fox-body Mustang my brother and I grew up in and learned to drive stick on. I forever remember the hoonage in farmer's fields during it's last leg. The drifting - around snowy streets and into snowbanks. The jump it once took when my brother was first learning. The rust I first learned to

I was convinced cars drove like a trike would. The harder you pedal (or push the pedal) the faster you go, without any gears at all. That was until I saw my Dad awesomely multitask a coffee, and a donut, while changing gears, steering with his knees in our '86 Mustang when I was 5 or 6. Then I learned there were

@RB26Skyline- big bore envy: In the small town I grew up in, we had the city's police force, and the OPP. The RCMP would occasionally investigate serious crimes and murders that were out of the realm of the OPP (who usually did all the heavy lifting anyway).

@RB26Skyline- big bore envy: That was the best way I could describe them, since they usually step in with large investigations.

@kingcrowing: What do they drive if they're getting 50mpg?!

@TrampaOnline: The RCMP (mounties) are the equivalent of your FBI. They're well funded.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: Would he beat him with the giant gingerbread man?Perhaps the eclair?

@josephbates93: Not bad for a 2 minute photoshop job. I can't really spend time at work adding shadows, using the pen tool and colour correcting here at work.. plus it's better if it just looks blatantly shopped. Otherwise I'm trying too hard to make a point I really don't care about. Citing that, I've said too much.

It's funny because he calls what he does music. All I hear is pretentious douchnozzlery, with a heaping bag of ego, all run through an auto-tuner.

Even if you remove the last digit from all of them, they're still hilariously overpriced.