
I think it would take a lot of getting used to, especially since I tend to hold my pens/pencils/stylus' closer to the bottom. Also, it looks like a medieval torture tool for twisting nipples.

@MaxPoint: If you can get your hands on one, try the HTC Desire on Telus. The Samsung Captivate is coming to Rogers soon and I believe Bell has the other Galaxy S phone.. can't recall the name though.

I completely agree with this list, with the exception of one thing. I thought you guys agreed the iPhone 4 and HTC Incredible both had good cameras, but the Samsung Epic was the overall winner in your #battlemodo? Or, because it was a Maximum PC cross-post it doesn't count?

Yepp, pretty much the literal meaning of burning rubber.

Gah, Halloween or not, I love goth girls. Black is the new black.

@mocax: I'm more of a Blinn man myself.


Pig skin is also used in the butt end of battering rams. Pig bones are ground into a powder which is the base for pancake mix. Pig feet are used in 2nd world countries as a delicate grey area fashion situation type shoe buffer. Pig snouts are the prime ingredient in chicken noodle soup. Pig ears are dog treats. Dog

@grimjack28: Yeah, I'm a dude - but if it made me win, I'd totally shave my legs and a wear leggings and pumps!

I have something to model, but is it really worth shaving my legs? Also, I'm Canadian, so I can't win shit.

@ImSpartacus: Good. Because I like Samsung but I hate the TouchWiz UI.

If this is true, I'll be crossing my fingers that Samsung will not be skinning the N2. A 4 inch, 1.2ghz Sammy beast with Gingerbread would be pretty awesome.

Looks like a Mercedes pooped a Lexus, then someone covered the grille with chicken fence

@Nitesh: I know that the original voice left over pay dispute, but if I was Groening I would have thrown some cash at her to say the last few lines. All to please me, who likes consistency.

Can it be negative overshadowment? I'm voting for the C200, because it doesn't matter how much Chrysler fixed it, it's still a Sebring.

@Nitesh: Did it bother anyone else that Maude's voice was different in that episode? It bothered me.

@pettiblay: I actually had to get rid of my Airport for a D-link because the Airport would keep dropping connection. Routers is the one area where I lack complete knowledge when it comes to computers. Maybe there's factors in each of our homes where one is better than the other.

That's something I never put much thought in to, but something that's really cool, and something we take for granted - the first human to be photographed.