
This contest is US only, so I state this: colour, favourite, kilometres per hour, litres, licence, pas une transmission automatique, poutine, pyjamas, union labour, grey, Jalopnique.

As I was sitting here yesterday, reading a kindle book on my phone, I was wondering.. could you read them on the web?! And here we go. Thanks Giz!

@Strizzo: I missed your post as you provided no picture. Either way, good vote.

I always hated the Malibu Maxx, from the name to the little exxtra junk in the trunk.

@geekymitch: Good for a morning chuckle. Heart clicky for you.

@jip1080: You can move in with the guy who bailed on the $700,000 Veyron auction.

I knew the minute I bought my PS3 from a friend for $150, it was a good investment.

Damn, someone was having a bad day. I wonder what the super-trooper would have done if said dude was taking a leak on the roadside, or.. slappin' the bayass, munn.

@SEDAGIVE?!: 83% of the time, percentages are made up on the spot. Of course 72% of the time, I'm speaking purely on the amount of smoke I'm blowing up your ass.

Time is not seconds and minutes, time is a distance.

Back in 2008, Canada finally got the Jesus Phone. What else was there on the market?

@Ogami: Oh I know.. I actually like names that aren't all derivative of the 'connecting two syllables' naming convention.

@Ogami: Would you have preferred the BlackPad? PadBerry? BerryBook? BlackBerryPadStorm? BerryTab? PlayBerry? PlayPad? BlackSlate? SlateTabPadBerry?

@38thsignal: I take no credit for that. Reference is Louis CK.

Here are some of my questions for anyone who owns the Veyron. Does that extra 1hp make a difference? Could you get better gas mileage with a turbo 12? Do you ever drive it 250mph? Does it come in a single tone paint job? Why does it look like a barrel of duck vaginas? Could the wing be bigger? I think if the wing was