
It's probably because everyone and their dog has a laptop. My girlfriend, myself, my Mom and Dad, my brother, his fiance, and my grandparents all have laptops. They last a while, you know.. if you don't update every 6 months.

@stifflittlefinger: Yupp, they also patented multi-touch, swipe to unlock, object oriented graphic systems, those irritating notifications, object oriented multi-tasking, the way you wear your trousers, and the beatles.

@WickedEast1: I guess I'm naive when it comes to Nokia phones, because the only ones I've seen are candy-bar or flip pieces of junk.

I wonder if they would ever release a package you can download to an HTPC to run Google TV. I really don't need another box under my TV, I've already got a PS3, a Popcorn Hour (which is on its last leg), an OTA antenna controller, a wireless router and a receiver.

@nieuwoudtpieter: Widgets, Homescreens, Multitasking, Threaded SMS? Welcome to 2008 Nokia.

@williamgarzon: Nobody smiled because the exposure times back then were incredibly long (15+ minutes).

@JakeMG: ♂ Man: If I could promote, I would.. Maybe with Halloween coming up, they will do a whole series of creepy photo contests.

Like the Jersey Shore chicks, you can put 25 coats of makeup on, but you're still an expensive brat with a weight problem.

Hockey, donuts, maple syrup and.. uhh.. what's Canadian made? fuckin' ski-doos! yeah. I gotta get me one of those.. and then move to a part of Canada where it actually snows.

@Mufinn Man: There's a browser porn joke in there somewhere about the naked eye..

I bought a bag of Doritos,

this would explain the black turtle neck then.. it must fold up into a full ninja face mask

I really want someone to end my '93 Cutlass's misery. Anyone got an equally old clunker that wants to derby it?

@irishman72: I'm about to have one of those. Cheers matee

I voted no! but then I got to thinking. If Nokia was ever to embrace Android, I would seriously reconsider.. Say the N8 with Gingerbread.

'Ring 'Ring 'Ring 'Ring 'Ring 'Ring 'Ring, BANANAPHONE.

@Capall: I much like R2-DBrew also.