I dislike bad analogies.
I dislike bad analogies.
Indeed the tears of that clown will be delicious. Now’s the time to MAKE HIM CRY.
You’ve never said that.
While the DNC is very rightly criticized by about 80% of the population, and while I haven’t seen a single hipster criticism of the Women’s March, I think I understand the point you are trying to make, namely, that you think “hipster” means the same thing as “contrarian.”
You guys realize that most of our backward ass country still thinks gay people are gross pedos, right?
Breaking shit rules. I can’t wait for my 8 month old to break shit (including my spirited support of breaking shit).
Is he not saying almost exactly that? Better word choice, sure, but sloppy writing (“MIStreated like black women” would have been better, right?) doesn’t make him similar to Steve Harvey.
It *raises* the question. :)
“Pat Ewing”
The update from Casey translated: “we saved face with an earlier amendment doomed to fail, and got to keep our $500k in pharma contributions.”
Great first step, except you undermine the proposal by accepting and repeatedly promoting the bullshit line of “pensions are bad; 401(k) is good.”
UC1 does not hold up / is trash, but 2 & 3 are tons of fun.
L’mao Ball
Respectfully, git gud.
Uber Making Millions By Characterizing Employees As “Independent Contractors”
Berniebros who protest voted . . . gtfo
I read her emails as entirely consistent with appreciating that she’s benefiting from the role change. I think she’s challenging the argument that this is an instance of “whitewashing,” though, by pointing out that to recast this character as something other than an Asian stereotype was an act in favor of true…
TS casually writes better emails than any of us.
I have zero doubt that Craig Sager IRL was every bit as loving and lovable as Craig Sager the TV personality. RIP to this beacon of positivity and lightness.
To anyone curious after Jones’ dick-wagging remark: Pryor is not from “suburbs” in the “suburbs vs. urban” sense. He’s from a poorer part of Jeannette, a town outside of Pittsburgh that is generally very poor (and often dangerous).