RoboRed "The road to hell is paved with overturned Vanduras"

To be honest, this doesn’t scare me at all. It’s not like they invented this with the intention of killing people. It’s an old line, but guns don’t kill people, people do. You can’t fault an invention for the deaths it’s wielder caused. People kill other people with cars, and we blame the driver, not the car for being

It’s like the Honda engine knew Sato was Japanese.

Uhh I get told to die or kill myself all the time in anti trump sub’s. They also call on anarchist to kill people if need be.

Yes, they should. Plenty of people act like it’s the end of the world because their personal safe space was violated and allow it to have a lasting effect on their life.

Yes. It’s in the same line as “go play in traffic” or “go take a long walk off a short pier”.

Nope I believe in the fight. But I also am anti suppression. I grew up a nerd and picked on, I now have tons of friends - self confidence and am successful. Use their hate and show them how great you are.

No they shouldn’t - nor should they take that - by stand up to ge bulkies.

Yes. get over it. I get told to kill myself about 5-20 times a day playing CS:GO.

i am not whining about whining I am saying stop whining what you are saying makes no sense. I am saying when you post you may get some anger I have. Take it in stride and deal. Things do cut both ways I feel and love people - assholes exist and suck but inore there world and words and be strong and grow from it.

Wouldn’t what I just wrote be hate speech? How can u be against hate and anger and write that? You are what is wrong you can’t have a thoughtful discussion. If u read what I wrote I am def not a trump supporter. I am mostly against all the anger that the politics being by people who don’t think beyond a party.

Here’s what I got, and I’m going to keep your perspective to avoid confusion (I hope). As in, the You refers to me, and the Me refers to You.

Sorry, I didn’t realize any of those people were being forced to cut themselves, or post it online. I mean, clearly...they’re not getting exactly what they want out of that scenario at all. I never said it had to be sexual.

Okay first off, listen....

I got no love for r/the_donald, and I am a Bernie guy...but...

Hey there, my guy. I read the article. It was dumb and blaming Discord for those Admins own ineptitude. They already have all the tools at their fingertips to stop these raids. I’d know given I run three servers myself and have set all those moderation rules personally.

“IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT THEN DON’T COMPLAIN, JUST DON’T USE IT!” - these people complaining about a blog post on a clearly liberal-leaning blog network