
why do animal videos all have to have dumb cutesy music? Just trust your product, man!

A 5 on 5 league of create-a-players? Jesus that sounds terrible.

You do, and if you hear a bunch of gunfire and screaming behind you, you can certainly elect to turn around. Doesn’t make sense though that you’d be able to hear a bunch of gunfire behind you and from that be able to tell that it’s coming from an enemy (or which of many gunshots was from an enemy) and exactly where

Exactly. And Keri could have instead written for ESPN’s main site, where he would have had a many many times larger audience. It’s not as if Simmons was giving him a platform he wouldn’t have had otherwise.

Nah, Simmons is of course a more popular writer than Keri, but Grantland notoriously did not do very big numbers. Keri easily could have written for a bigger platform (for example, ESPN’s main site), which would have given him a much bigger audience. Simmons needed a writer of Keri’s caliber to support Grantland’s

Not sure what this has to do with the White Sox.

Are you saying he should make fun of the Cardinals the right way?

Bruce Chen retired in 2015.

It’s very fun, but I did it with enough people to have a solo group. I would imagine having to listen to stranger’s shitty ideas could be frustrating.

I am looking forward to the episode that flashes back to Ed Harris finally visiting the dermatologist to get that mole taken care of.

Craft restaurant made ketchup is universally worse than Heinz.

No you wouldn’t.

Do you keep track of the overall record of the videogame sims vs. actual results?

Anybody try out PSVR/Oculous or whatever yet?

The Ringer covering HBO shows makes them look silly at best, right?