
I don't know what to say, don't know if I should say anything. But I hope Ian Bogost is at least where he wants to be.

A GeoFront? Yes, please!

OMG an engine that was able to randomly distribute static breakable and nonbreakable objects of varying type would be amazing. Especially if it was able to move whole buildings around.

It's my favorite version as well, and I never owned a Gameboy, just played my friends during recess.

My mother, was awesome as well. I remember when I brought home a spider-man comic one day as a kid, she dug out her collection and I learned all about the 4th World.

With friends? always.

I only toss stuff that doesn't work or only works with something I don't have. Everything else goes either in an old motherboard box or my sorted into my cable bin.

You know, I wonder if that's a reference to the 5 Doctors in a way as in; "Immortality is a curse, not a blessing"

I learned my lessons from the game of Rassilon: To win is to lose and to lose is to win!

Shouldn't that just be "#11 He not pulling a George Lucas"

Why is Super fighting the Mummy?

That Dante and Angels pic is nice, but damn, old Dante would look much more appropriate there. Also, isn't Bayonetta the one who makes Angels cry?

I brought down a turret from upstairs and so had two to do all the messy wave killing for me while I waited for the funicular to arrive.

I'd like a set of these in glass boxes, but they don't even need to be functional, just be decorative lighting fixtures.

So this is Earth2 with Dinosaurs? Ehhhh, I'll pass. Though can't wait for the return of Falling Skies.

Everyone knows Batman's real power is prep time. He and Flash need one those crazy 80's books where Batman's prep time and Flash's Cosmic Treadmill go head to head.

Yep it's this.

I always liked Porthos. Especially because he was just a dog. Thank goodness someone squashed the silliness. No need to Wesley Crusher the dog.

I really hope this isn't debunked. I've always seen the Speed of Light as the next sound barrier. Just waiting to be broken!

VF-1A Valkyrie. The original.