It's surprisingly decent. As in decent enough to play without the batman license.
It's surprisingly decent. As in decent enough to play without the batman license.
Agreed. At least in comics, the damage is contained. In other mediums, it's like a terrible one night stand with disastrous repercussions. Not to mention the amount of fan wank to clean up afterwards.
I liked it as well. In fact the only movie with Xenomorphs I've disliked has to be AVP:R
This! This entirely. Anything like a quick statement, "Going to be 30 mins late" to a short answer question, "Kmart or Target for best deal on Gears 3?" is txt country. Anything more is actually call me.
gun, 3 mine trap and more gun, and finally horrible pathing + firin ma lazor
Woah. I d/led the demo, tried it out, went "meh' and deleted it. But this! I never though of things you did. Damn, wish the demo had given tutorials on that! Going to give the demo another try because of this article.
Alex, What is a Quantum Leap reboot without having to pay royalties to Donald Paul Bellisario or Universal?
I love Seven Days. Especially the weird episodes where the earth is destroyed or WW3 has broken out or some junk.
Getting this on PS3. I'm sure my PC can run it, but I'll just pick it up later. Really enjoy the "it just works" quality of console gameplay.
I'd actually like my ashes to be used in the casing of nuclear weapon used for testing or something along those lines...
No you fool, they need to come out ASAP so their prices can drop like a rock and I can pick them up for scratch.
How'd you clog the Misto? I've been using mine for a year and it's been ok. I just want to avoid ruining it.
I was just pissed when I found out it was a card game. Looked pretty weak for everyone to be all crazy mad about.
Waitwaitwait so an Apple Security Guy used his connections in the SFPD to shake down a guy with actual police presence backing him up, threatened the family with an INS crackdown, all based off of a GPS locator, and the device wasn't even there?!
It was all digital versions at PAX. Including me. I was waiting in line for the Gearbox panel and noticed what everyone around me was reading. Turns out we were all reading books from the series!
The 8 person co-op was fun, but the "60" person matches? Ugh, give me a break. My buds and I tired it a couple of times, and all we would end up doing is being told to run back and forth capturing the same two points over and over again. We rarely saw the other team because I assume they were stuck in the same loop…
Once again I am reminded and saddened that there is no sequel to Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. That was game scared the crap out of me.
I played it at PAX as well, though no one at the booth was told me anything other then "have fun" and disappeared to watch Street Fighter.
Sending stuff ahead is a smart idea we should be testing on the moon. Why worry about taking everything with you when you've already sent it ahead and the robots have done most of the leg work?
I played this at PAX, so awesome. Cannot wait till this comes out.