How many gently owned Russian aircraft carriers are for sale? Perfect for a floating village.
How many gently owned Russian aircraft carriers are for sale? Perfect for a floating village.
Find out what people on your friend's list have. Or damning that, get BFBC2 and make new friends.
And thus the downfall of man was achieved.
5 minutes isn't too shabby. If the creator won't bring it to the market, someone else should. Perfect addition to any family's zombie outbreak emergency kit.
I miss awesome game manuals. Oh HW1 with your historical and tactical briefings, a full 50% of the manual before actually getting to the down and dirty of operating the game.
Anyone else a tad bit ashamed knowing the top picture is from the Nana to Kaoru movie?
Wait, I don't get this. With this new system I'll only see "ads" from companies I already choose to follow.
Ah, so now the ending of Diebuster makes a bit more sense.
I blame two things for RFA: The removal of competitive multiplayer, and the involvement of SyFy (Who I'm sure wrote a story somehow worse then the generic but ok story of RFG).
Not my Meruru!
Seeing the someone do the Major's face like that is sacrilege of the highest order.
A Hipster fetish is so not hip.
Hyperreal Everyday Life is a rip off of my own squinting+ipod. Still awesome though.
Grant Morrison, if you can see the error in your Magneto characterization on New X-men (Which despite the Mags stuff is one of my fav books) I can let go of my anger about it.
The floating is giving me a headache. And the comment replies is still broken. I get a different number on each gawker site, and "clear notifications" never seems to work.
As much as I dislike what Call of Duty has become, they're still better then DNF.
I'm a cheapassgamer. I don't pay full price. I got LBP and Infamous on separate deals. Paid $20 each. Got around $25 back from a gamestop trade in promo that gave me %50 extra on each game (And now I've got them Forever thanks to welcome back program!). Hell I got FF13 from Best Buy for $20 (when everyone else was…
$20 Amazon credit yeah, but $10 means I barely cover shipping + tax. And even then not really since I have to use that credit on Amazon, where I'll need to pay shipping + tax on whatever I get.
I like Gamestop for it's used games and trade in deals. Getting 50% extra on my a stack of games from early this gen and last gen was worth it (Got more then what I paid for some of them like LBP and Infamous 1).
Nice if you've got it. As a resident of WA, I pay tax on Amazon. It's gotta be a helluva deal that no one is matching for me to grab a game on Amazon.