As an adult who drives his own car, lives alone, and has a job, I find plenty of time for portable gaming.
As an adult who drives his own car, lives alone, and has a job, I find plenty of time for portable gaming.
If the missiles are same as Warhawk, a max lock on from one pilot won't kill you.
I really hope Green Lantern is a low we'll never see again, but I too am not really feeling the new Spiderman. Saw the promo during Captain America and the audience was not thrilled.
5 pages of copies is not at all comparable to a 1 hour wait in line.
Invasion is still probably cheaper. After all it's right here. Aliens probably don't have to use costly methods to extact what they need from our planet if we can already do it on a large scale.
Helghast were the original Vektians according to the fluff on the official Killzone 2 website. Apparently they were living to high on the hog, making more money then Earth wanted them to and buying their rights to be free. This didn't go over well and they were invaded and eventually kicked over to Helgan.
I love my bed too much to even consider this.
I Femshep'd.
It moves back in with Mommy and Daddy. So get packed folks, we're moving back to the Old Country! And after that fails, Asia, Afria, even back over to the Fertile Crescent. I know it's going to get crowded so we'll just make a lot of bunk beds. Eventually, we'll just have to get out and push the continents back…
Mandarin? Hah! Real forward thinking survivalists learn Portuguese and Swedish. Also Gold may be great, but Plutonium and Uranium will make you lots more friends.
I just want better voice control and visualizations.
I'd rather put that $100 towards a larger monitor then atmospheric lighting.
I would suggest rolling yourself in a tray of thyme, pepper, garlic, and a dash of curry. If you're going to marinate may as well be tasty.
This should be tip number 1, I also recommend light chit chat, and a bagel if available.. Though I recommend any savvy windows should know what exactly what programs your computer is starting up right after boot.
Indeed. I'd raged so hard when I saw that bit, because it worked so god damn well. Seriously why isn't anyone working on a Wrath of Khan opera. Someone take my money!
I wish these children would stop using the name Anon/anonymous. They're using the name out of arrogance and superiority, a way to stand out from the pack. It's just there to show that secure tripcodes are for jerks! How I long for the days when "Anonymous is Legion" was more of a joke about how cruel the crowd…
I love Martha (And Freema more so), but damn did I ever hate the season she was in.
Indeed. I actually shouted "Newman!" when he popped up in the teaser last week.
He seems less rage-y now. Good. Hope things work out for him. Internet as a protected utility? I don't know if it's 'there' just yet, but it's knocking at the door that's for sure.
The body horror aspects of the Borg don't bother me for some reason. Maybe I was scarred watching Tetsuo: Iron Man as a preteen (The only film to ever give me nightmares), possibly my interest in cyberization via (GitS), or maybe it's the fact that the level of advancement in Star Trek makes coming back from being…