
The borg were creepier for awhile until the new Cybus "Flesh made Steel" Cybermen showed up. The whole Borg assimilation process is... too neat. It's inside out with nano-conversion. The Cyber-conversion, man that's cold hard surgery. Creepy stuff Especially in "Doomsday" when Cyberman Hartmen holds the line while

You had me at open vodka bar. But then I remembered I'm on the wrong coast.

I've always wanted an extra thumb on my hand like Jehuty from Zone of the Enders.

I was hoping this was a chair with wooden panels on side that vibrated sound.

Let me just say this: What happens in the finale to War of the Green Lanterns is what I've been waiting for since they teased Blackest Night at the end of the Sinestro Corps. War.

I blame hoarders for the price hike. People who keep DVDs and BRDs for weeks that turn into months that sometimes turn into years. More then 4 times I've come across a Netflix disc my folks have sat on for so long, it's on Instant Watch already. This can't be good for the bottom line, since getting out the new

I don't think smug is the right label, though the description of "eternally pleased... like he has reached nirvana" is apt. I would say his detached bemusement is because we are only witness to the shell of Mr. Franco and as James delights in the dance of the spheres and see's that yes it will all work out for all of

All this talk of the uncharted movie makes me realize one thing: the casting of Victor "God Damn" Sullivan will make or break the movie.

Now that is an awesome, whiplash causing, idea.

From what I've heard, they were more extensively used in radio.

The only time I've had my vehicle searched was on a military base. Yep no rights there.

With all the great deals and coupons these days, if you're paying full price for a new game, you got ripped off.

SFIV was pretty good on iPhone. Hope this runs just as well.

Waiting for the $30 version of NV with all the DLC thrown in.

Indeed. She was even a non-dickish Jesus Girl. It's the end of the freakin' world, let people find strength to survive where they may.

I feel very ashamed that I use the Meruru no Atelier app on my ipod to wake me up.

Crows are so awesome. I've always wanted to have one that would perch on my shoulder to compliment my sinister lap cat.

Probably some kids. I bet the world's intelligence agencies are really pissed at whomever did this since now they have to do some leg work again.

I lack the inner 13 year old to enjoy this kind of comic.

Indeed he does. Damnit, we need a sequel to Drive Angry 3D where Nic Cage and William Fichtner hunt vampires and demons and send them back to hell.