
I've watched all of Star Trek, I liked them all, and yet I don't consider myself a Trekkie because I don't take it seriously.

Why does Tennant look like he's trying to pull off a Nic Cage impression while at the same time hoping his face doesn't freeze that way.

Winter is Coming!

I was all for this, even at $50, till I saw the $3 extra for IMAX or 3D. Not worth it.

It's really about Government regulation and standards based on what is and isn't appropriate.

Navigation system? My car has a navigation system, it's called a map.

Scalia is the Final Boss of the Justice Department and in fact tougher then the final boss of Government Fantasy 45

Why do people like this get fancy equipment and radio shows? I want fancy equipment and a radio show. I won't even yell. I'll just play smooth jazz and have relaxed conversations at hole in the wall restaurants with artists and college students or out playing chess in the park with old jewish men.

Harry Potter and the Star Wars of the Planet of The Apes aka: Ape Witches, Wizards and Muggles playing out Star Wars!

What no Doctor Rush or Dr. Douglas Fargo? Stargate and Eureka deserve a place here. Come on!

No it's America too if you aren't in SF or NY.

I blame school being out. Now the script kiddies have nothing to do all day.

No princess to rescue here.

Homeworld is my favorite game series of all time. I still have all the packaging for the 1999 GOY edition that packed in the strategy guide, soundtrack cd, and manual.

He totally rocked a kilt too.

I loved Leonard Part Six as a kid: crazy stuff, ostriches, and Bill Cosby? It was so insane that for decades I thought it was something I had dreamed up.

I hope when Gabe does a big announcement on the upcoming release on Ep. 3, it's held in the employee break room of whatever conference it's announced at, and instead of a big new trailer, he shows off screenshots using actually film slides on a carousel projector.

Silly kids, hack all you want, you'll never be as cool enough to date teenage Angelina Jolie.

For me the Green Lanternization of Green Lantern works because it's been in the works over the last 7 years when Green Lantern Rebirth introduced Parallax as the embodiment of fear of the emotional spectrum while drawing on the right parts of GLs decades of backstory to make it all fix like the forbidden sectors, the

Dex-starr is the most adorable Lantern of any color! He'll also melt your face and eviscerate your guts should you annoy him.