
I don't think Secret Origin is supposed to be gripping. It's just the primer on the who, what, where, why, and how of GL (Hal, Green Lantern, SPACE!, Man without fear, Willpower). Once that's down you can get to the actual gripping stuff like Sinestro, the lying smurfs in charge, and the book of Oa.

Hey, I'd liked V'Ger. Well not the boring outside. But the inside where it got all trippy and 2001-ish was full of visual neato. Menacing clouds do suck as antagonists. I totally lay the blame on the trend to Galactus in the FF cash-ins.

This! This! This!

I think they're up in a fuss, because the cut of money they'd get from the icloud match is next to nill compared to the cut they'd get from regular purchases on itunes. For some of the starving labels, this probably seems like a raw deal: Pirates can rip your entire catalog off of torrents, then match it up saving

I cannot enter Apple Stores without a shiver going down my spine. They're all just too happy. It's too bright, to shiny. It's inhuman.

I just hopes this opens the door to an awesome galaxy crossing buddy cop movie with Guy and Hal kickin' ass and slinging green.

As the non-nintendo fan among my friends, I find myself the only Wii U optimist. Still this: "...take the desires of the third parties and create a system that's flexible enough to enable them to do the types of things that they might want to do." gives me Metal Gear Online nightmares.

hopefully this will result in bringing back of Snacks.

Nope. Nope. Nope! Not going there.

If I see you there, I'll pony up for some drinks. Hell, folks if I meet any of you at that nice little restaurant at the end, reference this comment for a free drink.

Oh man, love Iron Chef. Was gaming with my clan one night and someone brought it up, and wham; everyone is debating their favorite Iron Chef, the best battles, most outrageous secret ingredients. EVERYONE. No one was left wondering what we were talking about.

Aliens, Aliens Resurrection/Alien, Alien 3

I am both extremely happy about that thought and unabashedly disappointed.

You have to figure in training and continuing technical support into military contracts I think.

There was a boss in Borderlands? I don't remember that game being about killing bosses, it was about collecting kick ass guns.

Bah, just get the wifi one and get an Android phone that can function as a mobile hotspot.

Well, I wasn't surprised Ned got the axe, even though I've not read the books.

This is so absolutely awesome. I was initially dismayed when I heard a Bloodrayne game was going to be in 2D but I'm a convert now.

ET totally creeped me out as kid and still does.

This! Seriously awesome. My next PS3 is going to be so Beefy for a Slim.