
While it might not be hard to build your own PC, getting the damn Mobo and CPU settings right in the Bios always leaves me nerve wracked I'm going to fry one or both.

Blood Eagle looks more like Blood Beetle with the two horn like things behind the head.

I did the same and completely agree. Poor Annalee, I can only imagine how bare her wine and spirits cabinet is.

Eh, I'd be able to do it. We covered the same ground in my Highschool photography class except back then, digital cameras were not exactly pushing the megapixels yet. I remember the fun we had doing our own developing and using the enlargers, even had to make our own working pinhole cameras. I still have mine

Kinda reminded me of Timesplitters. On a side note whenever I read the word "spoilers" with the "s" mind you, I head it in Doctor River Song's voice. So naughty.

Is it just me or are their eyes flat and creepy like they're just painted on the appropriate depressions in their faces.

Tim, can I totally ask you out on a no-homo man date? Seriously, you sound like an awesome guy to sit on the hood of car and watch airplanes take off at 3am in the morning with.

Screw terabyte optical, let's skip right to Petabyte flash media!

Depends. Volume mix, where I am, who I'm watching with, etc.

I can get by on 6 but I prefer 18.

I don't know about 'hung up' but there is more variety in kit availability from the Universal Century then any other AU, and probably the most variety in 0079 stuff then from any other show, UC or not.

Screw a defense of why you canned a franchise I love(No final SG-1 movie or the SGA movie...). Stargate is dead and it's not coming back, so at least let the producers and writers tell us what was going to happen with everything.

So what you're saying is that Skynet is an Apostle. And John Connner is the anti-christ?

I've been waiting for this game since their E3 keynote. This is the first Ghost Recon game I've ever wanted to play,

Just to play a little Devil's Advocate: DRM might be annoying, cracked sooner rather then later, and punish paying customers BUT at least it's providing coders somewhere work and helping keep food on the plates of their families.

Sounds cool, but I just hope they don't blend the line between RPG and Shooter so wide as to create a game that does neither well or as well as it could be. Still... a FPS set in the Mass Effect Universe would be cool.

I couldn't bear to watch more then a couple of minutes of this since the guy playing Master Chief had a more "David Hayter/Solid Snake" sounding voice then the guy playing Solid Snake. Of course it might have the muffling done to make it sound like he was in a helmet, but he still sounds more like Snake then Snake did.

They should post the video of Vader before the Imperial senate claiming that Hoth was manufacturing chemical weapons to get support for Operation Wampa Freedom.

Agreed! I don't get it either. I want to see the new character models and get info on the character customization!

Man, V for Vendetta was the worst thing that ever happened to /b/. We used to be dignified in our debauchery. We used to wear suits!