
I was thinking the same thing about the tablet but maybe it's because a table would weigh more then the screen. Though using the phone as the trackpad, makes sense to me if you have a way to port the basic phone functionality to the Bentotop when it's plugged in..

Man, I love The Borgias (Jeremy Irons as Pope!), but Game of Thrones is my fave Sunday night, Monday morning pleasure.

Great article, and not just for the topical nature. I think Kotaku should interview a gamer in a foreign county on the planet once a week with the hopes of getting someone from every county on the planet eventually.

I'd love to see a movie featuring the Pitch Black Aliens again. Hell it'd be awesome to see them throw down against the Xenomorphs of Aliens.


Books and movies aren't always linear in their plot development or story. Hell's bells even one of the most linear games of this generation: Final Fantasy XIII, employs non-linear storytelling!

What color is it? (Please let it be white.)

Dread Cthulhu cares not for your projection of puny human emotions and meat-sack motivations on it's eldritch state of being. You silly beings, with your existence and need to form the formless into terms of human understanding. A line cannot understand a torus! Such dimensions are beyond it, as Dread Cthulhu is

You build up an immunity after awhile, though even with it every now and then you do have to just binge on TVTropes.

But they just steal cars and deny their gay love for each other, everything else is Action Hero power not Superhero powers. Unless their superpower is to deny their man love...

I wonder if the fans who liked classic Red Faction liked Fracture?

I do 2 out of 4 already; ponder Satre and wear a beret(I'm cheap and it's my only hat.) I wonder if I should learn french.

Those Time Life books just made me think; Whatever happened to the Bermuda Triangle? It seemed to be everywhere in the late 80's; books, tv, cartoons. Did it run out of ad money or something?

Really? Really? Afraid of logos?

Love the last one. It's so Liz Lemon.

1 year - Homeworld 3

Crystal Singer would make better Showtime or HBO fare. What with all the sex and crystal singing as a analogy for substance abuse/sex addiction/etc

Always shop around. My Costcos(Regular and Business) have excellent prices on fresh fruits veggies and they usually keep longer then what I get at local markets. Especially delicious bell peppers. They're highway robbery anywhere but Costco where I live.

Once again, putting my name out there for a crazy, possibly one-way trip to the edge of the Red Planet! Just give me a modest weight allowance and all the digital media I can cram onto several Petabyte drives (plus backups).

Mondo cool. Does the top floor do this as well so they can park their jet?