
Indeed. My parents have drilled me similar. I've always seen 11.99 as 13.20 since I've been rounding to the nearest dollar and adding about 10% for tax since I was a child. Back then tax wasn't 10%, but over estimating meant I always had money to spare when the grand total came up.

Yes please. I hope their food is good, because if they were around me, I'd support this behavior.

Goodbye Lis Sladen.

I need issue numbers for all of these stories!

Sure you sat on it, but you did not use it. We need a full review!

Oh yeah. When those came out, I was blown away. Glad they showed up in the PSN store so I could have HD versions forever.

Finally, been waiting for a release date. Got to see this at Pax Prime '10 and been wanting to get my hands on it.

First gun looks like a Seburo derivative.

It's the beautiful, womanly curves and often times exotic designs.

Oh Anonymous, you stole the worst of the new ways to represent yourself as anonymous. Back in my day, a nice suit and a green head stocking did the trick.

Awesome. My mother would have done this.

It's Microsoft's foot dragging that kept me from buying a Zune.

I actually kinda like the song. The game? Nope. Had to force myself to beat that mess, and I'm a FF Fanatic. Glad I got it for $20 on sale.

Didn't Eli move the Head Girls to Quarantine to save Rush? And I was under implication of the Cryo events was that Rush was the one who activated it, not Eli by accident.

Can't wait for stuff about Tekken X Capcom. I've always been more of a 3D guy, but I do loves me some Chun-li. I really hope Lili is in one of these games so I can a crazy ass legs match.

All is get is garbage like "Alright, I know it or sad. Oh man, I loved that why of the outside ain't what it would be easier to see."

I wonder how much of the 78% of "Searching for Information" and the 51% of "Consuming Entertainment" is actually porn.

I saw the title of this article and though it was about how the ancient Romans made Mobile Suit Gundam. Very disappointed.

I just want a show based entirely off of the Mirror, Mirror Universe.

Borders, I shall not miss you. Your selection while somewhat decent, was hurt by selling at sticker price or worse. While I must pay tax and shipping at Amazon, you were often more expensive. Competitive you were not. Though your chairs, plush, and outlets plentiful.