I'd just kill for standard power sockets to be standard on all planes. All planes. I can handle a 12+ hour flight as long as I can recharge my portables!.
I would buy it if he came with a rifle so I could replicate the Vanquish knee sliding pose.
Oh good gods, why didn't I see this before: Fire and Ice. Fire is bad, Ice is good. Fire is red, Ice is blue. Evil Cole is red, Good Cole is blue.
No. I didn't know Fang was originally a man when I was playing the game but she came off as a genuwine strong woman. Lightning came off as someone in need of therapy, possibly to help her get over beeing a gender-swapped clone.
Indeed. The rest, they may as well find competent folks we've never heard of, but without Pegg playing Hughie, it should not be done.
Strong woman? Really? Is this one of those cultural mistranslations? Because when I think of strong women in FF13, I don't think of lightning I think of Fang, who was originally a man in the script or whatever. Also changing your name from something normal to 'Lightning'? Not strong, sign of counseling needed.
I'd rather have kill-bots then brah-bots. When the tools become Tools, you know we did something wrong.
So next is giant artificial trees?
I actually kinda dig the whole big black diamond look. Except for the crappy clear plastic stand. I'd break them out and make a stand out of something else.
Bah, they only have to be slightly adjusted for cellphones. Think about it:
Is this the sorta movie you go to see the story for? They gave it all away in the trailers months ago. Though it sounds like they screwed up the fantasy sequences which was pretty much the only reason to see it I thought.
I've had dibs on the elf girl since I played it at PAX last year! Been waiting for this game. Loce games with co-op either local or online.
Hmm trust? It's pretty much just Platinum Games, Relic, Valve and Stardock.
You know, I'd rather they do it right or not at all. If you've read it but haven't heard it, pick up the audio book version. Good stuff.
I hate how "I have a bad feeling about this" is more often seen as an in-joke instead a character/person voicing that that they indeed, have a bad feeling about whatever is taking or about to take place. Even worse when fans latch on to it as such in a work of fiction or real life, and bug the creator/person until…
Set pieces in FPS games, I'm getting annoyed with them. I think the overabundance of them and the devs need for you to not miss them have simplified level design in FPS games to a single path. After all if they've spent months tweaking a set piece to get it right, they then want to shuffle you towards it to make sure…
Wow, that looks like some sort of creepy alien fauna. Our planet is so cool.
What good is "great" movie if you wouldn't watch it. Also 5th Element is just hands down the look and feeling of French Sci-Fi.
Don't forget while pulling off the Zorg outfits, he had that weird plastic half hat thing going on.