I remember the crowd at PAX Prime realizing just how lose of a term "Best" is.
I remember the crowd at PAX Prime realizing just how lose of a term "Best" is.
LOL. My remarks upon seeing the trailer were much the same as PA's. God
This works all fine and dandy when you're dealing with people mis-identified as trolls. These people have dissenting opinions, feel like outsiders from your internet group, or are simply angry at being dismissed from the topic. Despite how heated and augmentative they might get, they are not trolls.
Man if all super sentai was that crazy I might get in it.
I was initially interested in this movie, but when more trailers came out and I couldn't pin Adjustment Bureau guys down as shadow world government guys (MIB), aliens, or angels I got disinterested. And now it comes down to the magical negro, ack. Glad I didn't see this.
I never got into the series, but hot damn do I love that silly movie.
Amok Time music makes everything hilarious.
I like ambiguous endings, I like bad endings, I like good endings too.
I don't expect much from the story, but I like Eye-candy movies, and Snyder does Eye-candy well.
Bet I'll see at least 2 people wearing these at PAX Prime if they're out in time. Hell one of them might be me.
How about: "Have an ending in mind and sticking with it."
Hell yes indeed!
Didn't you see the reel in highschool? DON'T DATE ROBOTS!
Only if Grant Morrison is writing! I kid, I kid. Okay, maybe not that much.
They should just d/l itunes now and get in on the deals. I grabbed PW and SF4 based on my friend's reviews alone.
What's this about lost episodes? Anyway pretty cool, though I like to think Kobal wasn't the beginning of the cycle, just another one of it's (aka God aka Master Control aka the User) monte carlo runs of "Can man and self-aware machine co-exist peacefully?"
Well this takes all the fun and learning out it. Why not just have it play the game all by itself and tell you who wins? Where's the math, the house rules, and the scheming? The best games are when you have 4+ people so as to make owning a single monopoly that much harder and you can barter over trades.
To bad it's not black.
Damn, I wish I was a location scout for Science Fiction movies so I could find buildings like these to shoot in.
Actually if you do know a Anakin-Padme couple in real life, please find a way to break them up and move them on to better partners, especially if one of them is in politics and the other is in the military. Look, I don't want to have suffer under the Empire and worry about a bunch of kids setting up a rebellion next…