
Can I still put 2 spaces after a period?  

It is a badly quoted line from the Movie Artur starring Dudley Moore:
“I race cars, play tennis and fondle women, but I have weekends off and I am my own boss.”

Not excusing his idiocy but what he said is a (mis)quote from the movie “Arthur”:

That’s craaaaaaazy fellow human. Why would we... I mean they use Kotaku? And honestly what would be so bad about it? If I was to be indoctrinated I’d be honored to join something so much larger than just myself.

Crazy, I played it backwards and it sounds almost exactly like WAP by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion 

They’ll “fix it in post”.

Even by pedantic internet comment standards, this is a wild nitpick.

What do you mean “visual fact?” ALL images are created based on scientific measurements. Detectors create voltages when photons hit them. Through sophisticated circuitry, those voltage levels are measured and recorded and then turned into an image. Whether you are taking a photo of your dinner for Instagram or

Charles Martinet was right there

Don’t mind me, I’m just rolling around in all this sweet, sweet money I get for negging on NFTs, paid by... paid by... um... you know... the anti-NFT lobby!

Поднимите руку, если вы думаете, что это могли быть русские.

somewhat unusually, the nation’s domestic intelligence service, DGSI, is assisting

I’m not saying Depp is telling the truth or not. I refuse to take a side on this matter because I know I can’t be impartial. I will say that this is yet another bad take from Jez, because Heard’s lawyers have more or less made similar claims about Depp as was made against Miller regarding his alcoholism. It’s almost

No, "he" didn't.

Yeah you don’t get to cry about “Russophobia” when Russia is brutally invading a country, sorry asshole.

I can understand why they would do this. They are next door to Ukraine. They are NATO’s gate to supplying Ukraine with defensive weapons and aid. No doubt there are members of CDPR who are related to Ukrainians who have been killed or displaced. Why economically support a country who is killing your neighbours?

To be clear, this guy wasn’t just creating modchips for homebrew. He was involved in maintaining and supporting huge pirated ROM libraries for use with those modchips, and selling paid custom firmware (“SX OS”) that allowed access to those ROM libraries. It was estimated that Team Xecuter was raking in tens of

This is without question the oddest reason I’ve ever seen someone register an account.  Is there really a community of Oort Truthers out there?

I dunno who at Hyundai thought not wiring the back window and using a starter-only immobilizer was a good idea, but they just made their brand look like a big ol’ pile of crap. If I lose my key, I have to pay a few hundred to program a new fob, when some kid can just bust into it with a butterknife for nothing.