
He was already fairly buff. He got lean.

sir, this is an Arby’s

I will not attempt to convince you to like mayo. The damage has clearly already been done, and you’re one of many. The sad fact is, mayonnaise has been turned into inedible extruded glop by the exigencies of modern mass production. And America, never a place to halfway commit to a bad idea, made it a thousand times

And you’re right. Gillibrand got on a high-horse and (a) knocked off a potential competitor on a 2020 ticket and (b) got the one Democrat most of America liked kicked out for a joke.

Yeah but the Franken thing was cynical, right wing hit job that took advantage of liberal sensibilities to get rid of one of our own.

Probably wise to note that though it is reportedly not toxic for humans, it is for other animals, including aquatic life. The stuff I bought years ago was very explicit that the chemical or clothes treated with it not come into contact with life bearing bodies of water.

Northern too. Idk wtf in this article.

Didn’t they lose?

This is a complaint for the HR department, not the internet.

He implies that your use of faulty logic which depends entirely on — ahem — anecdotal data is akin to similar types of gut logic employed by those equally as confused by the concept of scientific probability and those who would surmise a 9/11 conspiracy theory.

Well that’s sound logic. (UGH)

That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.

Oh wow, you have three whole data points. That’s super convincing.

In the worst case scenario of 10 percent, that’s likely true. But it’s not definitive that 10 percent is the actual number (the CDC disputes it). And regardless, there would still be a benefit among high risk groups against the other strains included if coverage was high enough.

It is a joke about 9/11 truthers (Fire doesn’t melt steel beams), whose logic you’re apparently well-versed in, considering your arguments here.

Why? There’s no risk. You’re literally choosing 0% over 10%.

In what world is that a smart risk?

The flu vaccine doesn’t give you the flu.

Full stop.


A.) You’re making this up.
B.) You got a flu mimicking virus (but not the flu - and you got neither through the shot)
C.) You had the flu already, it just hadn’t full gestated. The shot takes two weeks to become effective. You can still contract the flu during

I’ve gotten the flu shot every year for the past 5-6 years, probably. I got the flu once I think - I work in education with a high exposure to sick college kids.

Deafness wouldn’t be caused by listening to a recording of the sound over a regular computer or phone speaker, anymore than listening to someone’s Snapchat recording of an otherwise extremely-loud heavy metal concert.