I bet no one else in the county will be stupid enough to make that mistake again.
I bet no one else in the county will be stupid enough to make that mistake again.
@MagicalTrev: Wrong. Go read how insurance works.
@DaCapin: The poor pay? Look, if you can afford to buy a home, then you can afford the measly $75 to cover your house with fire protection. If you can't well then it's time to start renting.
What, no male flight attendants?
@FriarNurgle: Nope. Ribbons are a huge improvement once you learn how to use them.
The shops at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas has a curving escalator.
Waste of money. New Jersey spends more than almost any other state per child in their schools and they don't get shit for it because it's an uncompetitive, union run, corrupt school system. In fact! Someone even made a movie about it:
@Pooter: Doesn't make sense, you should have done that research before you started going to the dealer.
@Wwhat: We will criticize whatever newspapers we damn well please, including our own. And you know what else? *We* won't get thrown in jail for it.
Completely unnecessary and add's no real functionality. The minimalist in me cringes.
@robo: Okay I give up — gizmodo won't let me upload the image.
Bad news — the Patient Protection and "Affordability" Act basically just clusterfucked (more than it already was) our health care industry as well.
@mynameisjacob83: Bullshit. Just because you can read a flow chart doesn't mean that you comprehend how the DoD's bureaucracy operates.
@bryan472: I've never met anyone that liked Nickelback. I think maybe Nickelback is a muslim plot. Musical terrorism, if you will.
@Ding-Dang: DECT 6.0 is actually 1.9 GHz. I have no idea what the 6.0 stands for though.
I don't really want to be hit by some ass holes golf ball while walking down the streets of NYC. Not to mention if a cow decides to take a dump over the side.
I had the last version of the Touch reader — the interface was fantastic. It was great to be able to type in page numbers to flip to, or hi-light notes with the stylus.
I don't know if they taste better, but I do love aluminum cans. They are especially convenient for pool side drinking (no one likes swimming in a pool filled with broken glass).