Tesla, sell your cars to science denying fascists. I thought I was working towards a Tesla but I'll go Toyota.
Tesla, sell your cars to science denying fascists. I thought I was working towards a Tesla but I'll go Toyota.
Please report these typhoid mary businesses so they may be permanently boycotted.
Understood, of course 2+2=5 was Stalin’s slogan for achieving the 5 year plan in 4 years. And words are meaningless today. Truth = fake news
Please buy this diamond from me. Ill take it back whenever my business rule changes. Words mean nothing. 2 + 2 = 5
using Facebook is handing money to gops
4x8 behind the seat in a car? Yeah
You paid to stick your head in someone's face? I would blow snots into a tissue all flight
I like the solution of him pointing his air vent towards the front of his personal space, down her back. Personally, I couldn’t be comfortable sticking my hair in someone’s face when they could not recline themselves. There is some sadism in that. Our casino economy dictates they pay the same price but she wins and he…
Your deeply held aesthetic is truly inspirational. Kennedy should have turned to trump university scholars like yerself.
the disruptive kids from the back of class who wouldn’t let the rest of us learn anything now want to teach us science. what a joke
Let's have a trial without evidence or witnesses and figure it out
Hey troll, at least pretend you know what Jalopnik writes about. Your queen jesus trump made another decision wsy beyond his expertise and he earned the criticism. welcome to the USA
Absolutely. Raised my taxes $2000 first year, $4000 2nd year against the same income for living in a blue state.
FB is a member of the right-wing echo-chamber now. I dont know why any computer literate non-trump fluffer would waste their time on it
Wow. I'm afraid they'll turn everything into subscription packages. Or make you listen to ads.
Go to school and learn something moron. your bush gave us that economy.
what a load of crap. President Obama pulled this country out of the gop's Great Recession, against the wishes of the gops. The tender gops couldn't Stand to see majority rule in our Democracy. Now its 1932 all over again
In the EU, the semi's would have a different speed limit of 80kph indicated by a sign on the back. They would line up and draft each other in the right lane. I always thought it would be a relatively simple automation task to have them drive autonomously in this very restricted scenario.
This is gop healthcare system. They own it
Facebook is today's AOL