
Cool. Now get rid of that weird cult ritual you do before you kill the prisoners in AL. Just drop a large square cement block on them in a deep hole. They will not feel a thing and you can add more blood to your bloody soil. God Bless the US. God destroy the Confederacy. 

BTW, 81+ in CT will get you put in jail, no question. 

Is this a software review or a hardware review? I love the software I’m seeing. Is is only on this device? 

You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. You offer zero proof for your statement. I think you are regurgitating things you heard. 

Used Tacomas and F-150s prices are really sensitive to housing market prices. Look around at the old mobile homes with big new trucks parked in front. Genius at work. 

This is what passes for innovation these days. 

Why? Do you hate the US Military too? Feel the need to remold it to some weird vision you have? Want to make it worry about pleasing you instead of being the world’s best? 

Don’t give in to confirmation bias. People may want to think airlines are less safe than in the past. But also remember that in the past almost Everything was swept under the rug, when possible, to protect careers and reputations. Today we get to know about almost everything instantly so it looks like there are so


It was a stupid idea to separate the Air Force from the “Space Force”. They share the same basic mission. This was done solely to please a clown. 

Go Japan! This is good news. 

If cooling is this big an issue it might make sense to move the servers into orbit. 

Why are Prius drivers consistently among the most aggressive drivers on the road? It’s almost like a rule at this point. The irony is palpable. 

Exactly. I always wondered if GM was aping Fisher-Price. How could they charge they same price for that interior? 

Barebones 1980ish Chevette was more barebones than a Yugo. Terrible

😀 No comment 

In other words, it changes nothing. The FAA and other Federal agencies manage space flight. not hilly-billy land 

In some ways, cars are so well-made, they act more like real estate with many cars having extremely long lifespans. Like real estate, they require maintenance, but the number of years a car can run is a factor in this overall issue.

There are not enough immigrant’s coming in due to maga so there are not enough workers to take the wide-range of terrible jobs their expect people to do. Car and motorcycle salesstaff should have to do their own repossessions.

Thumbs-up? At least they got what they voted for.  Be sympathetic, Roll Coal for the SouthEast!