Rob Marvin

What do you want to bet their version of Montanans all have southern accents?

I always loved John Forte's line about eating "five stars every mizz-eal," especially considering that my friend met him at a Denny's in Billings, Montana. Poly-Sci is still one of my favorites from that era though.

I know this opinion isn't going to be popular, but I think Rob Zombie's Halloween 2 has possibly the most intense opening scene ever. Yeah, it's widely hated, but go back and watch that opening. It's a thing of beauty.

Battlefield Earth hands down. I'm sure my friends and I ruined the whole experience for anyone in the theatre inclined to take the movie seriously, but I remain unremorseful. We started off fairly respectful, but as the movie kept getting worse and worse, so did our manners. By the end, all theatre-going decorum was

Just wanted to congratulate you on the article. You're one hell of a writer. I'd been toying with writing about this very topic, but wouldn't have articulated it nearly as well.