“I’ve very excited about because I fucking love Domino’s”
“I’ve very excited about because I fucking love Domino’s”
Here is a pro tip for the Premade Group finder Mike: Make your own premade group. Then you can say that it is a group for inexperienced players and that there will be no rush and you’ll be golden!
Finding players shouldn’t be that hard.
Ahh, yes. I remember when “Game of Thrones” had to stop production because it became the most pirated TV series ever. Shame. If HBO could have actually made a profit off it and kept going past that first season, I bet it would have been really good. And they wouldn’t have had to file for bankruptcy.
RIP Home Box…
Sega fan here, nope its entirely their own fault for mismanaging the situation. If they came back with a strong system I think they could easily crush the competition... assuming they didnt screw up again.
I imagine this must be what it’s like to conduct an orchestra while on every psychadelic drug known to man at the same time.
Man, when they find out that their password’s been plastered all over the internet, that hand is gonna be pissed.
You have my sword.
Does anyone know how to become a contestant on Shark Tank?