Rob laPointe

SDI specializes in Technologically-based enterprise and SMB solutions. Our expertise lies in Custom App, Software and Website development and market strategies. With over 16 years of experience in technology and marketing, SDI can help you broadcast your local channels over apps and over STBs for fair price and within

Here I read some intresting list of best cooking and recipe app Chef Watson, Epicurious, Side Chef, Yummly and Find more here

Live Stream is one of the best for editing videos as well as a providing a live stream with excellent rendering and little to know issues with stuttering/lag. This app company provides services beyond just streaming HD content:

​Ads are the fuels that enable iPhone users like me to obtain and read free contents. Often, ads are more fun and interesting to read or watch. Apple should be careful what it’s trying to do — this genie will kill off Apple to, which still relies on ads — I still see iPhone and iPad ads on TV. Apple is likely sowing