
Caps fans are somehow salty that their team got 4 really good in-close chances when really most refs would have blown it dead at 00:11 but Pollock, I think, did a pretty good job of finding the puck and letting the play continue. Still, the Verizon Center full of people in brand new #8 sweaters boo everything because

Jack Edwards is worse than anything Marchand has ever done.

The social media marketing intern that brought this gem to the table needs to be a writer for SNL or something. THIS IS GOLD. Really high quality material.

So what? Mike Kelly got a team of horses and a carriage to take him to the stadium from the house he was also given just for signing with the Beaneaters.

Slashing in the NHL has turned more and more toward the hands and arms rather than stick. You can get away with chipping away at someone’s body because (usually) the parts don’t go clearly flying off. But refs and fans can clearly see two pieces of splintered carbon sliding across the ice. Hand injuries could increase

The last thing the MLS needs is more teams. That talent pool is stretched thinner than Bruce Arena’s in home exercise trampoline.

Paddy* if you’re going to call out people for not knowing culture at least get it right.

Tony Stewart murdered someone

ESPN is going to pick up a big agency like DDB or some Omnicom subsidiary that will create a semi-annoying campaign based around getting subscribers and viewers. The tone will be “funny” but first and foremost the goal of EPSN’s marketing team will be to “sell” so whatever they roll out won’t be actually funny like

There are plenty of high quality and delicious ex-dairy cows to fill the demand, though. Same isn’t true for high quality and delicious soccer-players-that-are willing-to-play-in-the-MLS.

the MLS talent pool is already abysmal, why keep trying to stretch it even so thin?

they watch it because they aren’t actually funny. so they find things that are ironic to like and discuss that way they seem funny. but its done to death and hack. like posting memes or response gifs just sharing someone else’s work.

got em?

Everyone commenting is falling into the crafty trap set by the people that rank stuff online. Also, Charlie Goes America All Over Everybody’s Ass (S2 E9) is wayyyyyy better than 100 you philistine.

why did you think that was a sincere comment rather than just banter?

great play ruined by the worst to play by play idiots in all of hockey: Joe B and Locker

pulled the old Rob not pummeling a fan on the ice into a bloody pulp.

who cares about the terrors of globalization what about unchecked abuse of the awful HDR camera setting?

as opposed to all those sinking ones