
From my understanding, it’s actually supposed to go in the other direction. As you find the catridges (tape reels!) for the minigames within the actual game, they unlock in your Pip-boy (which is also the app).

So the argument is that all trolls are stupid, but not all stupid people are trolls?

"That song goes, 'Ding, ding, ding, da-ding-da." Mine goes, "Ding, Ding, ding, da-ding-da, DING, DING, da-ding-da, ding, ding. See it's not the same!"


Well at least the bomber still gets his suicide part in.

Ya, I was going to type the exact same thing. Didn't think she sounded bad at all. Not studio quality (duh), but for running around on stage and singing at the same time I thought it was fine.

I'm with you. I mean she is dancing around and we have certainly heard much, much worse.

Was it just me, or does it not sound that bad? She went flat for a bit on the big note towards the end, but otherwise I didn't think it was terrible.

Really everyone "deserves" a living wage, what happened to "earning" a living wage.

No. They deserve a wage that is fair and representative of the job that they have chosen to do.

Not every job deserves a living wage.

Seriously, just about anyone can slap together burgers at a Burger King. It's not exactly a position that needs any specialized skills. Nor is it a position anyone intends to make a career out of. You do it for a while until you find something better. If that example sounds

Whether a person is an asshole is a matter of one's perspective, definition and personal opinion. I don't know whether Edison was an asshole or not but his scientific contributions to our society are numerous and well-documented (Edison holding over 1,000 patents I believe). Many brilliant, influential and successful

2 little tips for you.