
It’s all an appeal to “malleable” minds that don’t remember one day from the next. They don’t catch Trump’s lies. They just believe whatever he says on a given day is the truth. You can’t even show them back to back clips of Trump saying opposite things on two different days. All they can do is blame the media. These

Hannah is a tool, plain and simple..

To Powell’s discredit, he relayed the phony intel to the world when he knew better. He, unfortunately, valued his position in government over his ability to stand upright at this moment. In other words, he knew he would be universally discredited by his peers if he stood up for what was right. This is why he was never

It allows them a ready scapegoat to purposely misinform the “believers”. They count on the fact that they will take things at face value from anyone no matter how untrustworthy. Or put another way, they believe in fact-shifting leaders for their “facts”.

And Clinton won the popular vote and another slime-ball Republican became president. Same happened in 2000, remember? At Bushes appeal to the Supreme Court (who are never supposed to get themselves involved in the electoral process) actually did a “one time only” deal for the Republicans. They stopped the vote

The same reason, I suppose, that they followed GWBush/Cheney into Iraq and forgot about bin Laden. They can’t distinguish propaganda from the truth. I don’t think any of them were shamed for believing Saddam had huge stockpiles of WMDs and was an “imminent” threat to our country even though they now say the Iraq war

I bet the Trump trollops couldn’t read your post to the end. Too many words for minds that think in bumper stickers. That’s why they never think beyond a Trump tweet. And why we are now burdened with the daily liar...

The classified report, as you seem to be having a problem understanding, contains the evidence you crave but there are very important reasons not to reveal it. Even someone of your limited mental ability should be able to grasp this. Maybe if you struggle with it for some time you may also see why your deluded

You forgot the number one reason for unclassified material: It prevents our enemies from knowing our methods for obtaining sensitive material.

It says on every page of the report up top that How the evidence was obtained is classified. These are secrets the government has to conceal. It also says that there is “no difference between the conclusions” of either report.