Ballmer is a total good but that website rocks.
Ballmer is a total good but that website rocks.
It’s not sports!! It’s a game. Sports require more than sitting down and mashing buttons with your thumbs.
I’m trying to challenge conventional ideas on racsim not necessarily change a definition.
That’s a good article but I don’t necessarily agree. And I posit that the critical redefinition is valid. Interpersonal racsim (which is rampant in these posts) and structural both exist. But racsim in the American and Western sense is linked to the discursive construction during the colonial era that birthed slavery,…
Great point. But it’s not a Western white notion of racsim as seen in Europe and the US. That does not mean there are not similarities.
That’s awful. If you don’t like those people, that’s not racism, that’s totally justified. Again I’m sorry a s your right, I am getting my doctorate at the moment.
That’s not what I said at all. Racism is concept borne out of the imperial colonial project of the west. It’s directly related to slavery, Jim Crow, apartheid, and other systems of oppression. And codified perceived racial inferiority in the sciences. Eugenics being the most prominent example. Racism is a discourse…
Read Gould’s “the mismeausre of man”. Racism is concept constructed through imperial hegemony. It’s not a bunch of ideas that were born in a vacuum. And then look up the definition of prejudice. They get confused all the time.
First of racism is a power dynamic. Therefore there is no such as reverse racism, or black on white racism. That is just prejudice. Second you need hug. Bless your heart your poor sad person
Perception is reality. Funny that the giants didn’t learn from Tony Romo and the Cabo trip. It’s just a bad look. They dropped those passes because it was cold not because they partied six days earlier BUT it was still a dumb ass thing to do. Maybe he’s not emotionally mature enough to handle all that criticism that…
I’m sorry but Rudy the movie does not suck, in fact it’s awesome and the best sports movie ever. Rudy the person is a total waste of space and you need to delve into that issue to round out your argument. First off, there is nothing more American than getting kicked in the goods over and over and over again and still…