
@matttron: Depends on the laptop. Size of bezel around screen is the main problem. Just easier to use one via usb.

Real quick question. Wordpress plugin/widget that shows photos when clicked on open on top the page without opening a new page. Kinda the same way that happens here when you click on a photo that darkens the original page and does an overlay?

@robio376: Crysis runs on Windows Machines. Your at gizmodo.

@djzwik: You and I both know that you will get negative statements for asking that silly question.

All your everything belong to us!

Try this:

Wow I can't fix my comment.


@njdevil: Remember that socialism flyer going around for Obama? Add a droid.

Gadget overload! And the press release is a orgy in specs. O love thy CES, make it true. Blasphemy cometh thy troll.

@PN - gooapplesoft: I wish. Metro Davidson jail capacity is non-existence. 72% is illegals, 25% is misdemeanors and illegals that have come back and got caught again and the 3% is real homegrown Tennessee felons.

@njdevil: This is Tennesse. They will find a six-pack of Budweiser and move along. And if the offender has a UT hat/sweatshirt/underwear there will be no charges pressed.

@MxPxRobbie: Currently or previously? I'm here now and trying to get the hell out.

@Brownski: Tennesseans are not that sophisticated or rhetoric.

I recently moved to Tennessee. And from my time that I've watched the locals. It's an ATM to them.