
Awesome and all, but holy CRAP that is a loud video.

The Sonicor is pure joy. Not so good for ranged fights, but in crowded ship corridors, it is a beast.

In a more awesome parallel universe, they were smacked on the head with it. Then made to eat it.

Yeah, been playing since the game started, and the advice you have been given is mostly on the nose.

Yeah, copybotting* is a major issue for creators in Second Life. Just about anything you can make can be easily duplicated by unscrupulous assholes who will often turn around and resell it as their own for cheaper.

Meh. Used to see griefer tools like that all the time in Second Life. Often just silly benign ones, like Mario Mosh Pit. But the ones that spammed everyone’s screens with Lemon party/Tubgirl/Goatse, objects designed to break physics... Fun times.

I don’t ‘feel the need to’, I’m saying it isn’t hard to do. As in ‘casually walking the halls without trying’.

Yeah, watched this explode over on For Exposure. The asshole responsible seriously thinks he has the moral high ground. Not just ‘because I can do something, it’s okay’ but rather ‘greedy artists are evil for wanting money, because capitalism sucks’.

(psst... There’s plenty out there. Just gets buried. And I do love me some Hepzibah.)

Funny, I would argue the exact opposite. I’ve been able to track someone, bloodhound-style, through the halls, up the elevator, and find which room they’re in, from their clothes.

Yeeaah... That’s actually a federal offense, but you go right ahead.

It’s like a USB plug!

I work in a California hotel*, and smoking is not permitted. We have already had assholes claim ‘it isn’t smoking if it’s weed’ and ‘I am allowed to because it’s medicinal’ BEFORE the law kicked in.

The thing folks always miss about instant ramen is that it’s just a base. You’re supposed to add stuff. A few veggies tossed in can make a bowl of ramen MUCH better, and do not add appreciable amounts of time. Some snap peas, a bit of egg, and some bean sprouts and even Maruchan tastes good!

022 might be ‘Gatomewle’.


I’ll put in a vote for the West of Loathing soundtrack. The intro especially nails that ‘Good Bad Ugly’ homage.

That tweet is pretty clearly NOT Trump talking. It’s far too coherent for even a CALM Trump, much less one being told he can’t have something.

Her, actually.
