Hey, now that the movie’s out, have a song with ponies:
Hey, now that the movie’s out, have a song with ponies:
For those unfamiliar, Ingress is made by Niantic, the folks who make Pokemon Go.
You left out that Kubrow puppies are FREAKING ADORABLE.
Oh sure, discontinue the Talk Like A Pirate Day offer...
Obligatory ‘Nice hooter’ joke.
My favorites were the recycling plant videos. Such that as a kid, I insisted my folks take stuff to the local recycling drop-off so the stuff could be reborn into new stuff.
Check your Contacts. If you expand the ‘more fields’ there should be options for phonetic first and last names. You can also set a nickname.
You can get a moose job in Saskatchewan for twenty bucks.
We DID comp someone’s room because a tree fell on it. It wasn’t our tree, it wasn’t our fault, but we figured that they were having a bad day.
Thankfully, we’ve not run into that particular scenario. The times the smoke alarm went off were due to a legitimate fire concern, and once due to a crazy person pulling it. That was during the day, so nobody got woken up.
Nope! Official response: “Since this is now a legal matter, I am unable to discuss this with you further or make any changes to your account.”
Again, if you’re nice, we’ll move heaven and earth.
Ironically, I was posting during one of the two hours where I actually need to do actual work. The nightly Audit shift is generally very quiet.
Let’s try this again:
Well, that somehow garbaged up my response...
I work in a hotel - on shift right now, as a matter of fact - so let me give my take on it:
Well, there’s a difference between ‘complaining in order to get a free night’ and ‘getting a free night because something went wrong’. Subtle difference that I really wish more people understood.
Go for an Arduboy instead. No production issues, a nice solid feel, and plenty of open-source games.
... they said to the guy with the bobcat icon.
Next year, she’ll be a werewolf, and turn everyone into furries.