
I work in a hotel and let me tell you this: Any hotel that says that they have never had bedbugs is either lying or has been open less than a year.

Another easy solution: Create a small ‘nuisance’ critter, something that causes barely any damage, but spawns in a wide radius around the sites. Thus, idlers will find their characters nibbled to death by fuzzy pink bunnies an hour or so into the run.

Used to work for Baskin Robbins. One guy would come in about once a week for a small vanilla scoop for his Aussie Shep. Happy doggo.

Yay! Cheap Legos!

Yay! Cheap Legos!

I’ve got mine! Thanks to the Valentine’s day event, I had enough candies to evolve it AND get it to max level. It also popped with the max power special, so yay! Time to go stomp some fools...

Ditto. Used to play TF2 a lot, and once I realized the other team had a botter, I would switch to Spy and focus on them. Fuck the objective, this guy is my new knife holder*. Of course, said Spy wears the ever-stylish Cheater’s Lament, just to drive home the idea ‘I know what you are doing’.

Funny enough, they didn’t mention the new critters in the patch notes. “Oh, okay, new night mode and selector. That’s nice I guess...”

*inhales helium* “Cavalry’s ‘ere, luv!”

When I was about twelve, we went to my grandparents for Easter. Leftover chocolate bunnies were dutifullywrapped up in foil for the flight home. My youngest sister’s bag was pulled aside by security, because they were totally sure there was ‘a knife’ hidden in that little girl’s backpack. They never found the ‘knife’,


Psst... That’s a drill.

And where can I buy tickets to the quarterfinals?

Naahh.. its easy to have heated plates. Just use non-microwave safe plates, so when you nuke your steak, the plates get hot as well!


I agree with this most enthusiastically. A bike bell is a glorious thing. It is not the rude blaring of a car horn, but rather a polite ‘I am here!’ signal.

... I would play the goddamn HELL out of this.

Hmm.. I’d have to say Arryn, my 4th Ed Gnoll Barbarian. Much fun to be had there. They had a lot of intersecting feats and abilities based around grapples, charges, and knockdowns. Basically, they could dash across the battlefield, grab a target, and ruin their day.

Yes. Cutest Pokemon is best pokemon.

The other key feature is the FastPass system. They really have it dialed in now. Show up early, grab FastPasses for the afternoon’s rides, and relax.

Speaking as someone who found himself short a couple of fingertips: