
“Here, I got you a potato!”

I dunno.. I think more tournaments and competitions should involve food in some way. And not in a ‘here’s a gift certificate for Arby’s’ sense, either.

Learned this one from the webcomic Freefall:

Before... Okay... After... Yeah that works pretty well... After after... Kill it with fire.

Dang... We had some no-name commercial brand here where I work, and it was the best. Not very soft, but remarkably sturdy for commercial paper.

Dang... We had some no-name commercial brand here where I work, and it was the best. Not very soft, but remarkably

Yeah, okay, sign me up for one of these, please!

Nah, that’s just me channelling my inner corporate middle manager.

Way I always figured was that a Droid has a serial number. Like most serial numbers, this is a big long thing. It includes model and make, and probably has some dashes in there.

I wonder if it will help capture wild ‘mons. Oh look, a fire type, my water type will give me a bonus to catch it, and so forth.

Well, if one simply changed ‘taco truck’ to ‘food truck’, you could see some lovely diversity in otherwise boring areas of food. Lots of places (Portland specifically, but also Sacramento and a few others) already have groups of trucks (known as a ‘pod’, ala whales) that will occupy a vacant lot with some nice seating

Plus, as mentioned elsewhere, if you buff it with the Ballistic Weave, it becomes a very respectable suit of armor.

I invite you to consider for a moment the man’s demonstrated ability to project air with great force, indicating a windpipe capable of aspirating a goddamn beagle without it touching the sides.

That’s... Actually kind of cute.

Estra points for the meedlymeedly soundtrack...

I do like the design of the TIE Striker. Not as ridiculous as some of the TIE designs out there, looks functional and effective, yet still very connected to the franchise.

I like the Terminator-style hole in the fence at the start.

While not technically edible, I found that half a carefully removed tangerine peel makes for a delicious and wonderful improvised shot glass. It is a bit porous, but will lend a glorious flavor to booze.

I would play seventeen different kinds of FUCK YES out of this game. Just saying.

“Hey Steve? We need to talk. As you know, conpany policy restricts non-work materials on desks to one small picture frame and one coffee cup. Now, we’re willing to let the box of tissues slide, but the jug of hand lotion needs to go.”

Yeah, our local arcadehad one of the punch-button ones. It was awesome, but tiring. People don’t believe me when I tell them about it, though...