Robin Hubbard

Cause it would be cranberry/blueberry sauce and not cranberry sauce.

Every year we go to an industry event in Texas that involves 5 days of listening to bands perform for 16 hours a day and running back and forth to different clubs across Austin to catch different performers. It’s not a situation where there is time or opportunity to get coffee throughout the day (Austin didn’t even

My boss (cool guy, friend as well as boss) recently admitted to me that once life conspired to make him be an early riser (kids, job, etc) the only way he found he was able to function was by taking a caffeine pill immediately upon waking, because it would take too long to get to the kitchen and pour the coffee and

But could you give examples of actual “fancier” bar soaps that do not make me feel dry and sticky afterwards??

I dunno, we’ve been in our condo for over a decade and our upkeep has been $0, with no time put into it more than we would apartment. We’re also in an area where our mortgage, plus condo insurance, plus HOA fees is still a good $500-600 less than renting an equivalent unit. All depends where you live. We’re never

Armchair internet accountants virtually always forget that a person’s time has value.

I’m always amazed at how many people discount the time and money it takes to keep up a place - even a condo. And that’s before we get into lost capital appreciation and interest paid.

Owning your own home comes with a whole host of problems that a lot of us would rather not deal with. I’d rather pay $350/month to have a landlord that has to worry about things like the furnace or water heater taking a shit or a door that suddenly refuses to close itself at 9:30 on a Saturday night.

I’ve talked to officers who said while they don’t have a cut & dry limit of numbers they need to hit, there is a level of expected performance and that they consider you as underperforming if you don’t write a certain amount of tickets in a certain amount of time.

He was found not guilty, not “innocent”. He absolutely should have been found not guilty, the prosecution fucked up that case so badly.

For the last time, the dress is gold not blue! Oh, you meant a different dress. Nevermind.

I always found Marcia Clark the least likable person in the entire ordeal. And watching the new miniseries is reminding me of my disdain for her. I really dont know why, it’s not as if I knew the woman personally and have no room to judge, just seemed smarmy, or cocky or something just seemed off to me. Just strange

You had a crush on Marcia Clark? LOL


Right with you on the OJ fatigue. I consumed way too much of that shit, unintentionally, when it happened.

I think what would be more entertaining is if RedTube introduced a program called RedTube You to make fun of it. :P

All I want in the world is for RedTube to sue Google for unfairly promoting its own products in search results. I don’t think that’s good or right, but it would be very entertaining.

Google Location History found where criminals took my stolen phone to get wiped and who they sold it to; thanks for being a creepy stalker Google, I love you.

@Posco Grubb: Unless the postage somehow came to be $87.75 instead of $5.75.... regardless of whether or not your host said they would cover the total cost of the postage is beside the point. Asking somebody who put you up for almost a month for the extra $1.75 is really tacky.

@zF23: But you TOLD him that you would reimburse him any amount above what you initially gave him! Why hold a grudge when he was just doing as he was told?