
I never thought I’d see PDS, Patriots Derangement Syndrome, reach a place where people blame them for FOG. Or say they did it on purpose. And MANY are actually doing this, and not just to be funny. First, they had to play in that fog too and second that is batshit crazy insane. That’s rip your shirt off while

His skill is to look less tired doing Cell bumps than the simple act of talking. Seriously, every time he cuts a promo, he looks and sound fatigued as hell, like 2003 Scott Steiner after 20 minutes of work or Roman Reigns after five.

If there is a God, we will get a TLC Hell In A Cell match between Shane McMahon and the two oldest Trump boys.

I miss the days when the man (represented by the fake owner/commish, or later the actual owner and finally again by the fake commish) was always a heal.

I haven’t watched rassling for years so I am out of the loop. what the hell is wrong with todays wrestling fans, how do you accept a McMahon as a face?

You say you watch UFC for the “skill” involved, but the human body is a tremendously clumsy and inefficient means of doing damage to another human body. Why would you watch all those ungainly limbs and torsos floppity-flopping around, trying to inflict some small bruise or hyperextension, when you could watch a gun or

Yep, it’s the culmination of a blood feud which included the other guy (Kevin Owens) telling Shane his family would be better off if he died in that helicopter crash, and headbutting/beating down Vince so hard he drew blood.

If we make believe kayfabe is still a thing, unpack this spot for a sec... Is Shane McMahon trying to murder that guy?

I only read the comments on wrestling articles to see the top shelf douchebags who have to get on people for having different tastes. I don’t like wrestling; I do like watching assholes who don’t realize they’re assholes.

Usos-New Day was probably the best match of the night. I love AJ, but when he lost, I figured Nak would win to set up AJ-Nak for the title. AJ-Jinder is fine, but the former would be a better program IMHO. I expected Carmella to cash in, so when she didn’t, made the women’s match very meh; Orton-Rusev and

Also: kids, don’t sell your stock in a billion-dollar corporation to fund a pipe dream of a Chinese PPV company, or else this is what you wind up doing to feed your family.

For a second I thought you were referencing Donald Trump Jr.

The difference is that if the Horsemen were muscle, Flair was clearly a star whom they were protecting. We remember Arn Anderson only because of Flair.

ICQ! This for some reason came up the other night. My user ID is still active. I may poke around with it to see if there are any creeps still around.

Also, this cannot possibly be a debate.

I just googled that to find out whatever happened to icq. So much of my high school years was spent messaging people on icq and I can’t remember a damn thing about it.

Ambrose was the leader of the first iteration of the Shield.

Rollins was labeled “The Architect”, but Ambrose was the front man.

yes omg ICQ involved many a light night inappropriate convos in high school