
As with Cousineau, Barry has poisoned those around him, brought out their greed or violence or capacity to accept evil”

I think Zwing’s comment puts it pretty well:

As far as the wild coincidences of people showing up everywhere, my brain processed all of it as It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (or Rat Race, if you will) with Barry as the prize. It’s not realistic but there’s a loose internal logic to it. If someone happens upon Barry, it’s because they were looking for Barry.

It’s also very muched helped by Starr’s portrayal of Homelander making him one of the most chilling villains out there. His character progression is basically the political progression of the US in human form. His dawning realization that he could likely do whatever the fuck he wants to, to indulge in his need for

As someone who is considered good-looking, I’ve worked at workplaces where a girl might have a crush on me, and one thing they often do is, they tell everyone and make it everyone’s business. They might even say that I was flirting with them, which is either a lie or a misunderstanding by someone who desperately wants

Even better was that the assistant had her arms loaded down with all the stuff that she was carrying, and Natalie just had a coffee. 

My guess: Albert ends up with a bullet hole in the other cheek and doesn’t survive the season.

I agree with Mr. Cote-the “wild happenstances” are really beginning to test my patience. I actually really enjoyed this episode , and I really enjoy the show mainly because of the great performances by all involved.

That’s not completely true. The show decides wether we root for someone who does bad things or not.

As with Cousineau, Barry has poisoned those around him, brought out their greed or violence or capacity to accept evil.”

I don’t know that I buy the notion that Barry did much to elicit any particular problematic behavior from any of these people. Cosineau was, as we learned in some detail last week, infamous industry

I’ll be honest here: I didn’t remember who Ryan was, and I had to look him up. Good thing the writers keep track of everyone Barry has killed in this show, because I certainly don’t, especially when it’s been over 4 years since season one.

What’s the point of Sally’s journey this season? I’m not a big fan of the character, if I’m honest, but implausibly pushing her up to the heights of success (98% on Rotten Tomatoes!) just to even more implausibly smash her to pieces just seems like being abusive for its own sake.

I thought this was another excellent episode...except for Hank wandering around calling out for Cristobal. That felt utterly ridiculous.

You just know that Medusa show runner is based on an actual guy Bill Hader worked with at some point.

Yeah, as much as I loved the burgeoning friendship between Max and El in Season 3, I do kind of wish we had a chance to see Max and Lucas as a couple. I mean, most of us have known THAT kind of “off again/on again” couple but we have the benefit of seeing the “on again” part.

Keep it up folks. Then be sure to turn around and cry about superhero movies choking indie voices out of movie theaters.

I do not understand the Mike-is-a-terrible-boyfriend narrative at all.  He’s a young teenager who consistently wrote LETTERS to his girlfriend, regularly and consistently and we’re supposed to be mad at him because he wasn’t sufficiently effusive? Also, the whole

Thus far it feels like an improvement over the third. I don’t mind the episodes being longer because it this American horror story is coherent & engaging. The cast is humongous, so splitting them up into different adventures was practically a necessity.The least compelling is the West Coast team, whose absence

I know they may have that Walt from “Lost” problem with the former kids aging out of where they are supposed to be in the story, but they really need new haircuts that are 1980's appropriate for teenagers.  No teen in any decade keeps a bowl cut in their teens, it is practically an excuse to get picked on.

Fair. But they also have the ability to go back and update stories. This one almost certainly merited doing so.