
I absolutely fucking hate the take that Biden “can’t do the job”, when he’s already been MORE productive in his first four years than the last four presidents. People are conflating his ability to speak with his ability to work.

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It’s LOST for me, easily. Music was as key a theme as any other in that show. Features artists as varied as Patsy Cline to Nirvana, and often carried more meaning than series were used to at the time. “Make Your Own Kind of Music” is a statement that makes for interesting symbolism around Desmond’s whole button situat

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Yea, that’s a major miss. “Tainted Love” and “The Chain” are two highlights for sure. My personal favorite? “Twilight Zone” Hearing that song for the first time since I was a child was my “Ratatouille” moment.

I’m thinking more along the lines of Upgrade, and Hardcore Henry

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Having just rewatched Spidey 2, I agree completely with your first paragraph. Maybe it’s me, but something that stood out was how when it’s being funny, it’s funny in different ways. The raging Jonah Jameson is a different kind of funny than the deadpan landlord who wants his rent, who’s a different kind of funny from

I can’t think of any. When it comes to what Standards and Practices colloquially refer to as “smut”, there was that old adage that “you know it when you see it.” Well, this was certainly hard to miss, and I am quite surprised it got past the censors. If we even have those anymore...

Decades of mature television (including HBO) have managed to find ways to depict fellatio without actually showing it. This week, we got literal pornographic imagery. We’ve come along way... 

They didn’t bring up guns at all. Goddamn it, CNN.

If you didn’t watch, you may have missed that the candidates literally started arguing about who’s better at sports (golf) at one point, lol. It’s come full circle!

The State of the Union not enough? Or the one before that where he baited maga hecklers into agreeing with his policy? It’s not like we’re going off blind faith from his team. We’ve seen Biden be good at this. That’s why his poor performance at the debate is a little surprising.

That approval rating stat concerns me greatly (greatly), but I choose to treat it more like a fun fact, or trivia question, than an indicator of things to come- for my own sake and sanity. These are different circumstances than in the 80s, and let’s just say there’s a lot of “firsts” going on right now...

For me, the GOP gloating is definitely the worst part of all of this. Kill me now

It’s not like I expected them to fact check everything in real-time, but they certainly let the most obvious lies go unchallenged, and pushed back on absolutely nothing. Disgraceful moderating.

100% this. It’s a debate (without official nominees) that never should have happened. CNN should have said, “Sorry, no. We won’t be platforming a convicted felon, adjudicated insurrectionist, and self-professed dictator on our air.” Instead, they extended him all the courtesy and grace in the world. Same as that

I can speak to this, specifically over what happened with the Dobbs leak, which actually gave Democrats (who had the damn majority in both the house and senate) a little bit of time to STOP Roe v Wade from being officially overturned- and they failed.

They got a great Batman voice, which can make-or-break these things sometimes.

Is it too soon to say Baby Reindeer?

I almost forgot! Thank you for this, my anniversary rewatch will commence immediately

I know they want to open up the world a bit (a common criticism from last season), but there was something awkward about starting at The Wall (with voice over that sounded an awful lot like Jon Snow). Not sure if it was the dialogue, or the performances, or how ‘clean’ the characters looked, or that it seemed forced

We root for the characters with the best drip. Who looked the coolest this week? Probably Rae and Aemond