
As much as I’d like to see Nolan release his movies during awards season, I very much appreciate the palette cleanse his releases provide, during numbingly mediocre summers.

A Transformers movie is happening this summer. I expect all others will be crushed.

Tucker’s gone? I always wanted this. I’ve been waiting for this moment. And yet... I feel nothing. Amicable? Mutual? I don’t like these words. I want ‘shocked!’ I want ‘blind-sided!’ I want ‘under investigation.’ This doesn’t feel like enough. He caused so much harm. So, so much harm...

At this point, history filmmaking is about finding the loopholes.

I think Britta gets a bad rap. Considering how sharp she was when the show started, I was never a fan of turning her into the group idiot.

Fully agreed. New cast, but they had a fine groove. I’m an unapologetic fan of S6.

I don’t think I knew what my threshold for horror was until these trailers came out. Nope nope nope! I cannot fuck with movie.

Remember HBO’s Oz? A female version of that, but with a more humorous spin was a novel idea when it first came out. I was really drawn to Orange is the New Black, at least for the first couple seasons. The more Piper faded to the background, the less interested I became. As much as some current shows are getting

I for one did like Maniac better than Russian Doll. (But I wasn’t very high on Russian Doll to begin with.)

Love was an odd one, but I did like it alot. It would make my 50

We can’t find a way to bring her back into the Mission: Impossible franchise the way Fast and Furious has been doing?

“Somebody talked me out of leaving it in. I’m still annoyed about it because it made her childlike.”-

What on earth?? Lol

I’m one of the lucky ones, but this is... this is pretty low.


Knowing how method Jeremy Strong gets, I hope he’s going to be okay...

I felt the exact same way. Both this episode and “The Body” just drop it on you, without any fancy buildup, and more or less follow the events in real time. It’s so effective because it’s more true to life. Sadly, I’ve lost both my parents in both these ways (sans the million dollar private jet), so even though ‘Connor

Fully agreed

I’m straight up rooting for Connor’s presidential campaign. 

I’ve had my issues with these from House of the Dragon (where they just repeat what we just saw) or The Last of Us (where they’re just patting themselves on the back), but Succession’s are great because they actually go into the process, which is what I like hearing.