Rob Gallagher

Nice try, CHINA.

Except those people are a government of the largest world economy.

You typify the incompetence that generally surrounds controversies like this

If you’re using obtuse to imply that that I am unresponsive to the emotional narrative surrounding this controversy, yes, I try to base my opinions on logic and reason instead of feelings

Imagine I’m working on project for a client, I pull into their parking lot, and begin protesting the current minimum wage directly in front of their office, while on the clock for their contract... I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that wouldn’t fly...

Riiight, because unless you can remove all possible hazards, physical and psychological, nothing should be done...

Please edify me as to why the anthem playing or not playing is relevant in relation to an employer being able to set a code of conduct for employees?

Punished?! For what?! Oh... for purposely imitating a well-known symbol of racism. Okay, gotcha. That checks out.

“Men are trash” is simply not the same thing as sexist attacks on women, because you don’t face the systemic oppression that makes sexist slurs so toxic

Yeah, but it isn’t like NPR is without bias already.

So the woman that got decked in the mouth is complaining about domestic violence. Quelle surprise.