Cool, more stuff to waste taxpayer money on. This armor should be available on consumer vehicles too. Since cops tend to be a bit loose on the trigger, I think we need as much protection from them as they do from us.
Cool, more stuff to waste taxpayer money on. This armor should be available on consumer vehicles too. Since cops tend to be a bit loose on the trigger, I think we need as much protection from them as they do from us.
I wish you the best of luck! I’ve already been to Moab and back... had a helluva trip each and canceled and came home early (for reasons if I post here, it will make for a very long post and leave me pissed and depressed).
They just need to license the voice of Majel Barrett to do all computer voices from hereon out.
Nice. I went to Nats in 2000 back when it was in Topeka. I drove my 86 Corvette in BSP.. I placed mid pack as I recall. Fun times.
Notice how hard GM is subliminally pushing the automatic transmission? Even the interior shots of the car show the automatic. Also I sure hope there are other color options for that interior. It looks like they killed a small family of Smurfs to make it.
Here’s the thing. The Status Quo is the problem with driving in this country. Anybody who doesn’t follow it is assumed to be an idiot or maniac and is sought by police to be bullied and ticketed, and targeted by other motorists as well. By this I mean those who choose not to simply follow everybody else like a Good…
I learn more interesting stuff about cars reading your articles! Now I know why to avoid most Audis (the S4 in particular), and will now avoid the 540-series BMW. Heck, I’ll just avoid them altogether because I’m not a BMW type anyway. Though I wouldn’t mind one of those S55 AMG Mercedes... or even the V12 version…
GM could learn a lot from this. They are the epitome of the Committee-designed car.
I like the car a lot, but I’d still vote Crack Pipe even at half that price.
What’s funny is the little 1.0L 3-cylinder Geo Metro made 55 hp and it got around pretty well (with a 5sp manual). My then-gf had one and I got to drive it a few times. Neat little car. I think it weighed around 1800 lbs?
I like(d) Destiny. I actually miss it. I haven’t touched it in several weeks. I wish they’d bring out more content. It was better last year when they had a new DLC every few months than this micro-transaction crap.
I would totally buy the turbo Up if it came to the US. What a fun little car!
I just think it’s stupid. And if you’re an enthusiast, your driving style will probably get lots of complaints phoned into the sponsor.
Something I don’t recall seeing mentioned is the air suspension. These things had one that always failed. I had a car exactly like this one — same year, color, everything. It was a fun car, but it was a miserable POS in terms of reliability and repairability.
Yeah... I’m showing up sometime around the 5th I think, and the rest of my group (motorcycles) comes in on the 10th. Our last day is the 18th, and with all the Jeeps showing up around then, we figure it’s time to get the heck out of Dodge.
I’m not into spending big bux on a helmet. Since I ride dual sport, mine tend to get scratched, get dirty, etc, etc. So I’d rather spend $100-120 on a nice G-Max or similar and replace it every couple of years when it gets nasty looking, than $400 on one and cringe if it gets a nick.
I so do not envy the work you have ahead of you. And if you aren’t arriving til the 18th, I’ll miss seeing you there, as I’m leaving on the 19th.
It’s time the EPA was reeled in and abolished. It’s a totalitarian organization that doesn’t have to answer to the people, and that’s wrong.
Agreed; I’d rather have it with a regularly-painted hood.
Hopefully somebody turned in the truck’s license plate so the cops can take care of those guys. Assuming they’ll bother taking a break from writing tickets.