
Having dealt with a number of aftermarket service contracts, I have to honestly say I have ZERO problem with this. Those places are run by penny-pinching bastards who will do anything they can to avoid paying a claim... just like health insurance for that matter. So making them do what they’re supposed to do, to me,

Easy... ride a motorcycle. Be confident enough in your skills and in your bike to handle any situation... meaning, when all else fails, just drive around them. They won’t even know it until you’re past them.

Yep exactly — a cop’s #1 priority is to GENERATE REVENUE. It has nothing to do with safety or helping the public.

I don’t understand all the wood people get for police cars. Cops should all be driving econo cars, like Cruze Diesels or Priuses and saving taxpayer money. They don’t need big fancy SUVs or sports cars. They don’t NEED to carry all the crap they carry; no reason there couldn’t be a few SUVs or paddy wagon types to

Maybe they should stop giving away taxpayer dollars to other taxpayers and actually use it for something constructive.

Yeah I’d like it a lot more if it had a black interior and black top. That color combo is just awful as it is.

I don’t buy this “it’s safer when everybody is going the same speed” BS. Look at the German authbahn. Over there we have traffic traveling at wildly different speeds without issue. It has as much to do with lane discipline and simply being aware as anything.

This is why we can’t have nice things. Watching the video, the spectator is just as much to blame. Look at how long it took him to finally run. Bad location in the first place. AND... who the hell parks their cars there too??? They’re just begging to be hit. These kinds apparently never consider what COULD happen.

I like how it looks too. I don’t have a problem with it. I’m seeing a lot of them on the road too, and more Trailhawks than I thought I would. I have yet to see a Renegade though.

For those who must have more power, that’s what the aftermarket is for. I really don’t see why people are upset. Just mod it to your taste, if you must.

“Will somebody think of the children!” That’s what this article sounds like. I’m with those who say let it continue. The world isn’t safe. These people CHOOSE to do this. They do it because they love it. We cannot make the world perfectly safe, and if we did, who would want to live in it? I wouldn’t.

Considering how many people buy WRXs and then bump them up, absolutely. Just buy it and mod it.

Subaru has been resting on its laurels far too long. Maybe now they’ll actually do something to become competitive again.

Cool are, but alas, automatic only. Pass.

I’ll have to wait a year and see what happens with people who try it. I want a car I can tune up to around 500 hp. If the STI can handle that (and more), it seems that this should be able to as well. Otherwise, I’ll just keep waiting til Subaru brings back the STI wagon.

Okay wtf... I just spent ten minutes writing out a long reply only to have the site eat it. Either that or it got deleted for siding with the BMW and suggesting an alternative course of action.

I see both sides of this. I respect the BMW idiot for not wanting his car messed up anymore. BUT... he could have parked farther away. Maybe the photo wasn’t good and he did. If so, then the truck deserved it. Otherwise, there are better ways.

Hahaha I love that RAM is highlighting Ford’s little dick syndrome. Ford always has to have the biggest, but now they have real competition. I remember when TFN Truck tested the RAM and the Ford by towing some 19,000 lbs up the Gauntlet. Sure the Ford was faster, but the RAM got better fuel economy.

I-5 all the way through Portland, Oregon. Heading north, first it drops from 65 to 55, then down to 50 and stays there til the other side of the bridges. Soon as you cross the state line into Washington, it goes back to 65.

I like this thing!! Let’s put Polaris’ 850 or 1000cc Ranger motor in it.. except over here it’d cost $25k.