
Moses Farrow has called bullshit so many times on the Farrows. He was there. He does not speak to Woody and has no reason to lie. I am waiting for him to give more deets. And would love to get more info on why three of Mia’s children have died so tragically. Sounds like those kids had shit parents at both ends.

I’m not defending his conduct in anyway, but let’s get facts right. She wasn’t underage.

I remember when everything on this website wasn’t a bunch of condescendingly reported news off twitter. How have things gotten this bad?

So now one of the other Farrow siblings, Moses Farrow, is taking Woody’s side; and providing first hand accounts of how Mia Farrow beat him; and he states that Dylan Farrow confided in him that Mia was coaching/instructing her to lie about Woody’s alleged abuse as part of the child custody proceedings back in 1993.

Same thing happened with Jordan Sargent and Hamilton Nolan

Not his daughter.