Why did you litter this article with so many exclamation points? Poor journalism
Why did you litter this article with so many exclamation points? Poor journalism
Do you think it’s okay to out private citizens? Is that winning?
Why is your profile pic The Big Show?
Why is your picture The Big Show?
What about outing private citizens? Do you get it?
Are you okay with reporters outing private citizens?
What are your thoughts on outing private citizens?
Do you look like The Big Show?
Why is your profile picture the Big Show? Do you look like The Big Show?
Do you think David Brooks would tolerate outing a private citizen? Do you think it’s appropriate to out a private citizen? Thanks
Why is your photo The Big Show? What do you look like?
Well, this is a strawman
Are you okay with the outing of private citizens purely for laughs?
Do you think it’s okay to out private citizens?
Why is your photo The Big Show?
Why is your photo a picture of Big Show?
Why is your photo a picture of Big Show?
Why do you use a photo of Big Show as your header photo?
Maybe you should’ve noted this was a podcast before I clicked on the link?