
Does anyone know anything that can add a start button that takes you to the new start screen?

Instead of the last one Google Chrome's "Inspect Element" feature is another quick way (as long as they don't refresh)

Seems a bit much for the 3 people that come trick-or-treating on me each year...

I've found one that lets you enter a custom message, from and to address.

Argument about what keys are actually needed on the keyboard in: 3. 2. 1....

Just like the iPad 3 is basically an iPad 2s

Thats one beast of a dock.

I'm using my Samsung Galaxy Ace and it doesn't work.

Its not that they did a bad job, its the fact that they removed something that was better because of their ego.

Sounds like a plan...

Really awesome wallpapers, my favourite is "The Highest Hill". Is there any way to get these wallpapers automatically set as my desktop each week?

Has anyone else tried the iPad version. The font size for each post is huge (scaled up to be somewhat similar percentage of screen to the iPhone). The whole thing just looks wrong.

My password technique:

Or just download thousands on Linux ISO images at the same time. This will mean that:

I've done a bit of both (simple things) and they are both messed up. Xcode is a better IDE, but the platform is harder (need to get a developer subscription to even debug on a real device). Eclipse is a pain to use (not really designed for android) but it is better when you come to testing on your device.

If you buy a laptop with dedicated graphics (as an optional extra) it will get hotter, as some use only 1 heatsink for both.

Yeh, they seem to have fixed a bug when closing it (SysTray>RightClick>Exit) would keep the process running. It is fixed now.

I used to have: 24" Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard, Joystick, Speakers, Ethernet, Portable Hard Drive. But I used a USB hub so I only had a few things to unplug each time.

Thanks, haven't heard of that before. That's the kind of thing that shows the difference between self taught and professionals.

How do you manage reading other people's code?