
Thats ok until you start posting over-personal details (e.g. Facebook account)

And what if they don't pay.... No Google = Devastation, No Facebook = Riots, No Amazon = No Tax?

I only half agree with the last point about a "cloud file system". It does make sense for Mac users but it doesn't integrate well with iOS, and I think Apple is trying to simplify everything like its mobile devices.

Option to view SD YouTube videos over wifi in the stock app.

Easy-Hacking defeats the point, hacking is supposed to be ridiculously hard.

If I am correct each DEVICE has it's own IPv6 address, not every NETWORK. This means that there is less capacity that we realy think there is.

Try searching XDA Developers, there are loads of phones that don't have an official build on the Cyanogenmod website but do have a build there. Also the next version (7.2) is coming out soon and should bring some more phones the lineup.

I thought that was the window.

BT in the UK distributes their free home routers, the routers have two access points: one for yourself and another public one, this gives them almost nationwide coverage. In return you get to use any of these hotspots when your out for free with your broadband package.

I have notices that the charger that came with my iPad heats up loads compared with any other.

What if Retina display was only introduced to see how well developers would react to a change in screen resolution...

Thanks, hopefully the wait will be over soon. My router will probably die first though :(

Does anybody know of any aftermarket firmwares (like DDWRT) for routers with a built in modem, last time I checked it wasn't avaliable for my DG834GT.

We also have 30day 'rolling' contracts that are phone free - they are only just starting to become popular though.

I'm eating a tomato.

People pay for phones WITH A CONTRACT?!?

I'm pretty sure Virgin Atlantic also fly from Gatwick

"Piracy is not a victimless crime" - WE ARE THE VICTIMS FOR HAVING TO WATCH THIS C**P

Didn't know that - I assumed it would come bundled with some DLLs used in IE.

Would IE Tab work for you?